For Sikorsky, I led a team through The Agency to create a prototype for internal communications. An app prototype was requested in response to Lockheed Martin buying Sikorsky, and with it taking away some of the local community feeling. All parts of Sikorsky communications including the website shifted from celebrating Stratford’s accomplishments and Igor Sikorsky’s legacy to a national view of Lockheed Martin. Throughout the process of this project, we connected with all types of Sikorsky employees and learned what makes them a special local campus that operates 24/7. From traditional office positions to production line engineers and mechanics constructing the latest and greatest helicopters, they needed a way to maintain the connection they had as a smaller company.
We conducted user research through employee surveys, interviews, and a site visit. With the user information, we then creating personas, user journeys, wireframes, and a high-fidelity Sketch prototype to present to the client. I also helped facilitate feedback throughout development.