
Quinnipiac Voter Education

This project builds off of a 2018 Midterm Election Guide project that focuses on visually providing non-partisan political information on issues that had been previously identified through local surveys as resonating most with the college-aged audience. Those issues include: the environment, economy, foreign policy, immigration, treatment of minority groups, gun policy, healthcare, women’s rights, and marijuana legalization. The midterm guide was also honored with an award for top Service Design project at the Connecticut Art Directors Club 2019 Award Show.

The idea behind the Quinnipiac Voter Education website is to have a live web presence that both broadens the reach of the what was accomplished through the print-based Midterm Guide and allows for more frequent updating. The website combines educational and participatory components, with the professionalism and national reach of the renowned Quinnipiac University Poll.

The primary audience of this project is young voters, though its appeal will likely extend from there. This particular age group (Gen Z) is just starting to formulate their own independent beliefs outside of their family’s direct influence and does not fully understand the impact that they can make on policies that will affect their futures.

This project is unique both in audience and design. Young voters, specifically in the 18-34 age bracket, are notoriously difficult to engage in political polling, and have the lowest voter turnout of any age group (Pew Research). However, eligible young voters (Gen Z and Millennials) will outnumber Baby Boomers by the 2020 election (about 37% to 28%) so it is critical that they understand the issues at stake and their demographic role in the political landscape. Quinnipiac is in a unique position to understand and educate young voters by leveraging the reputation and practices of the Poll, while also engaging a relatively up-tapped audience through visualizing information in a way that resonates best with their needs.

Try the InVision prototype here.


Midterm Election Guide


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